Need to install a Smart Lock with Keypad?

If you are looking to upgrade your current deadbolt or doorknob with a smart lock or keypad we would be happy to help. Maybe you are wanting a fresh install on a door that currently doesn’t have the holes prepped and ready to go.
I get a few calls a month with people who ordered a smart lock from Amazon or Home Depot expecting to install themselves only to find out that the instructions are just a little more complex than they anticipated or their existing door needs modifications to be able to use the new lock.
This image is a prime example of one of those situations. Out of the box, this old door needed to have the holes and strike modified to fit this Yale Smart Lock.
I needed to bore the existing latch hole to 1″ and move the strike plate 1/4″ for the assembly to fully engage without hanging up causing lock failure.
Drag on the bolt when engaging is the most common cause of failure with smart locks. Proper adjustments are needed as soon as possible so that you don’t burn out the internal components of the smart lock.
If you just ordered a smart lock or are considering one, feel free to give us a call (717) 332 4923 or stop in at our shop 2375 Eastern Blvd, York, PA 17402.